Select Initial 0-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z or New Instruments, you can also select a user from the list below.  
Name Comment User Date
Kagan Bardolph 2002-09-24
Kalimba Andre Recorded at Spicy Instruments Frank Baker 2009-07-20
Kalimba 2000-11-01
Kalimba.onno(C) Onno van Tongeren 2009-02-11
Kamelen N'Goni 2 Kamelen N'Goni in the tune of A, c, d, e, g Nobody 2018-03-07
Kamelen N'Goni 3 alternative Sound, but also in either A, c, d, e, g or A, c, d, f, Nobody 2018-03-09
Kamelen N'Goni No.1 Kamelen Ngoni 12 string in a-c-d-f-g Wolfgang Schmidt 2018-03-01
Kamelen N'goni 4 A third option, again for both A, c, d, e, g and A, c, d, f, g Wolfgang Schmidt 2018-03-11
Kata Tim Rowley 2003-08-31
Kenkeni Jens drummer 2007-09-20
Kenkeni spicy Recorded at Spicy Instruments Frank Baker 2009-07-20
Kenkeni 2012-11-06
Kenkeni_HP Kräftig, aber nicht aufdringlich. Hans-Peter Müller 2009-09-13
Kenkeni_IK Basstrommel-Set Baye Cheikh Matala Mbaye Willi Mohrbacher 2019-02-08
Kenkeni_ImPuls Basstrommel-Set der Trommelgruppe ImPuls Willi Mohrbacher 2012-05-10
Kenkeni_NL1 Hans-Peter Müller 2007-02-10
Kenkeni_WM1 Hans-Peter Müller 2007-02-10
Khine Section Large Senegalese wood kettledrum of Arab origin William Phillips 2008-05-25
Kidi Bardolph 2002-09-24
Koni spicy Recorded at Spicy Instruments 2010-05-16
Konkoni creepah 2009-02-27
Kpanlogo-N Norbert Ries 2002-10-15
Krin 1 Onno van Tongeren 2012-06-30
Krin 2 Onno van Tongeren 2012-06-11
Krin 3 Onno van Tongeren 2012-06-11
Krin Bass creepah 2012-06-11
Krin Hoch creepah 2012-06-11
Krin Mittel creepah 2012-06-11
Krin Tief creepah 2012-06-11
Krin spicy Recorded at Spicy Instruments Frank Baker 2009-07-20
kenkeni fl rolfsinnema 2017-01-16
kora hoog Onno van Tongeren 2004-12-10
kora laag Onno van Tongeren 2004-12-10
kora midden Onno van Tongeren 2004-12-10

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  In this section are some links to sites where also PercussionStudio instruments and sounds are available...